Steps of Marketing Architectural Services

Marketing architectural services is a necessary task in the industry. Architects have to work hard to create an image for their company and attract new clients. In this blog post, we'll discuss the steps of marketing architectural services.

1. Setting Achievable Targets and Keeping Track of Them

Marketing Architectural Services online is, as you may have been able to deduct, much different from marketing any other type of service/product online. Marketing Architectural Services can be quite a challenge. Because of the daunting nature of the task, your objectives must be already planned. Also, keeping track of each target is essential. For example, if you want to increase your social media presence, you start by gauging your current standing and how far you are from your goal. Then, you come up with a detailed plan of action for how to execute the said goal. After every checkpoint, revisit your strategy and make any necessary adjustments. All the while, keep in mind that your goals must be challenging for yourself but realistic and achievable.

2. Think Like the Prey: Get into the Mind of your Customer

To achieve this, you need to build what we refer to as an “Avatar”. An avatar is the personification of the ideal customer. By the perfect customer, we mean such clients with achievable demands, such as 3D architectural rendering. We get in an ideal client’s shoes and look at the landscape of marketing architectural services from the customer’s viewpoint. Basically, we turn into the customer. This will include an in-depth dive into ideal clients’ interests, their life, and their experiences. After you’ve formed an appropriate avatar, you will be able to address all potential client questions and queries. To form that avatar, you need to recall interactions with previous customers and use that information to plot the response of future customers. The avatar can be formed using:

  • A made-up name;
  • A specific occupation;
  • A wage;
  • Current life situation;
  • Peers and their circle;
  • A descriptive but brief biography of their journey in life so far, including their academic career, employment track record, the clients’ interests, their distastes, and the types of adversities they deal with every day;
  • Their recreational interests, including the things they enjoy doing, places they prefer to stay while relaxing;
  • Personal targets in life;
  • Moral, religious, and ethical values.

Based on the avatar you construct, you should be able to answer the following questions:

What exactly does a client want you to tell them?
How does an ideal client perceive you and your product?

A well-constructed avatar serves the function of communication with a real client – an invaluable reserve of information on client behavior and customer satisfaction. It provides us crucial insight into the customers' decision-making process when they purchase a service or product. Also, we get to know the obstacles they face and the possible solutions to their difficulties. The weight of the entire marketing strategy falls on the avatar.

White and Wood

3. Formulate a Magnetic Lead

It is a well-documented fact that human attention spans have decreased over the years. Now, the average is eight seconds. It becomes increasingly challenging to capture the attention of potential customers. You have to think outside the box to gain their undivided interest and concentration. You may offer a short course on choosing the ideal Architectural firm or invite them to a free seminar. Come up with something likely to interest or intrigue the client. By doing so, you are providing the client with something of value for free. Though a risky approach, it is likely to stimulate the needed attention. However, to access whatever free service you offer, the client has to share their email address – which is the endgame of creating a lead magnet. Once this is achieved, we move on to the next step of Marketing Architectural Services.

4. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

When the avatar is formed, it is apparent what their favorite social networks are Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google+, Pinterest, and Houzz. To tap into this conglomerate of potential clients, you have to create accounts with all the necessary and relevant information regarding your company and the services you offer. The posts you make should be like Lionel Messi; small in size but effective. Relatively shorter and more to-the-point posts are more likely to leave a lasting impression on any viewer. Post relevant and interesting material e.g. 3D Architectural Rendering of various projects. While social media may seem trivial, the truth is more followers lead to more eyes on your page, and therefore, more people being aware of your services, which leads to, you guessed it, more clients.

5. Build a Trustworthy Relationship

In any client-service provider relationship, trust is imperative to ensure the regularity of clients. It is achieved by following these steps:

  • Have an active social media presence.
  • It would be best to have an impressive portfolio present on the website and social media platforms (including material such as 3D architectural renderings).
  • Do your best to answer all or most of the queries clients and potential clients leave on your website and social media accounts.
  • Keep all of your prominent accomplishments front and center so people know they’re dealing with consummate professionals.
  • Actively pursue customer feedback and analyze it to make sure you’re providing the best service possible.

6. Rely on Classic Email Marketing

After using the lead magnet successfully, you will have several emails from potential clients. The next step is the good old-fashioned method for architectural marketing services that email loads of people that could be potential customs.

7. Cater Your Specific Audience

You should be clever enough to design your website and services in such a manner that parallels your target audience’s level of understanding and comprehension of technology. How do we gauge this? Again, we refer to the avatar. It will show us how well adapted to technology our customers are, and how sophisticated our website needs to be.

Contact us at YouSee Studio for captivating 3D renderings and immersive virtual experiences.

Karen Spacey is a content writer and the author of this article.