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3D Property Tours: The Future of Real Estate Marketing

13 January 2023

#3d rendering#virtual tour#exterior rendering#interior rendering

We're innovating the real estate industry with 3D property tours. From home, buyers can look at the property. You can change the way people view and buy houses with three-dimensional tours. Want to learn more? Let's explore how online property walkthroughs are changing real estate marketing. Why they're a must-have for any agent.

Virtual Tours: What are They?

Through 3D scanning, you can make an interactive model. Buyers can click through rooms to see how the layout looks from different angles. It gives them a better idea of how big the rooms are. Tours include walkthroughs, measurement tools, and photos. It helps realtors and sellers create immersive experiences. You can view a listing from home. These listings not only make it easier to buy. But boost their investment interest. 

Do 3D Property Tours Benefit Realtors?

Realtors can market their properties through property video tours. If you are a realtor, then check the following benefits:

  • You can create a more engaging experience for buyers with 3D tours. Buyers can explore the property from home before deciding.
  • By using 3D tours, you can save time. By sharing videos, buyers can see the property online without visiting. So, potential buyers don't need to schedule an appointment. It offers more convenience to those who won't be able to visit in person.
  • With software programs, you can make 3D videos more appealing. Then, if the space looks realistic, buyers can send you an offer.
  • Three-dimensional tours help realtors and buyers to connect better.
  • You can share realistic videos online 24/7 for free. Visuals provide more information than photos.
  •  These tours are an efficient way to market real estate. So they're perfect for attracting people who don't want to come in person.

Difference Between a Video and 360 Property Tours

3D tours allow potential buyers to explore space in immersive detail. Before stepping into a home, they can see the layout and features. A 3D property tour is more accurate than a traditional video. You can move around and explore different aspects of the home with ease. Videos lack detailed images and panoramas. 3D property tours show how furniture might fit from different angles. High-resolution imagery enhances appearance. The 3D tour gives a much more detailed look at a space. With this technology, realtors can create better home tours.

What Does the Future Hold For 3D Tours in Real Estate Marketing?

Virtual property tours are innovating real estate. A virtual tour can give you a sense of living there. Before you buy, you can see the space in realistic detail. You can see all the features of the property on these virtual tours. It helps buyers who can't visit the property in person. Before they invest, they get a realistic look at the place. Plus, 3D property tours are a powerful marketing tool. Virtual tours enable potential buyers to make informed decisions.

There are two reasons why virtual property tours are the future of real estate:

1. Property Search on Mobile.

If you want to buy a home, where would you search? Would you use your mobile or open up your laptop or desktop? Of course, mobile! Right? New homebuyers search online 41% of the time, according to NAR.  On the contrary, 97% use their mobile to see the listings. What does it mean? The number of potential buyers is growing online. About 51% of buyers bought a home after searching online. So, reaching potential buyers is best with mobile-friendly marketing. You can do your real estate marketing with a 3D tour. Much more powerful, isn't it?

2. Social Sharing 

Virtual tours are easy to embed on your website and into MLS. This innovative marketing boosts your social media presence. Statistics from Realtor.com show listings with 3D tours get 87% more views. So, agents sharing 3D tours on Facebook get huge responses. 

An effective property post includes a picture, specs, and a quote. You can reach more buyers by embedding a 3D tour in social media posts. Once they click on the post, more people are drawn to the interior. 


3D property tours are the future of real estate marketing. Interactive, immersive tours can engage buyers and allow them to explore properties in 3D before buying. 

Contact us at YouSee Studio for captivating 3D renderings and immersive virtual experiences.

Karen Spaсey is a content writer and the author of this article.

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